A commercial every 3 to 4 minutes. The FCC has COMPLETE and TOTAL authority over them, so which do you think would be more effective at handling your complaints? These days, cheap is in. Those companies are fools because millions of people are not watching their commercials. Start hitting them where it hurts the most, in the pocketbook. You will learn to appreciate our Gift of Life, and have your brain enhanced as well. In other words, they dont just break INTO a show, and then resume at that same point in the show after the commercial, but they break OVER actual show content, and when the show resumes you never know that you missed part of the show, it was just left out! BOYCOTT YOUR LOCAL CABLE PROVIDER THIS COMING JULY 1ST. I need ur help.. what is the standard rate of 2 minutes advertisement on TV and RADIO tnx.. 28 commercials on channel 251, August 27, 2017. I remember when cable was just supposed to be for reception and commercial free channels! Eight minutes of movie to nine minutes of ads I timed it! 60 minute program, without the ads equals to 42-44 minutes, going but TV box sets such as 24 one hour show but each episode on the DVD is around 42-44 minutes long. Tune in to CNN and imeadiatly set the pause button. Early TV credits had me scratching my head. To many commercials.across the board no matter what channel you are watching. Anyway, all these ads are expensive. Some of the crew had their name and job listed. Advanced nations in the world should be funding contraception for women in third-world nations anyway. When respectable visit your local tattooist. How to really enjoy CNN as a male news junkie. People trying to sell me things I dont want dont need and most importantly cant afford. Yes, there is way too many commercials on regular tv! There are thousands of complaints about the excessive commercials the TV networks are running. Having recently relocated, I cut the cord and record programs I want to see to a PC via a gadget I bought on eBay, watch the program without the commercials, then delete the file after viewing. i remember those great days when commercials were regulated by law. It's always "We'll be right back", and then when it comes back on, he spends 20 sec recapping the last 60-second segment. oversight agencies and they are on a path to kill the golden goose. Hey..I could either pay for watching a show with my time (and AGGRAVATION) by putting up with all those annoying commercials, or simply pay directly for the dvds themselves, and enjoy them later, completely commercial free !!! Just to show you how much advertising length and frequency has Changed The moment I saw Google bought you tube I knew it was not going to be a useful tool anymore. My sense is that many cable news are more than 1/4th consisting of ads. My biggest gripe now is after all the ads are done and they finally go back to the show, they are pasting ads while Im trying to watch. I agree with all that is being said. I remember as a kid when people came to the door asking my parents if they would be interested in cable and they explained all the benefits. Upon your return you should have a decent amount of news with the ability fast forward through all the adds and guff this news opperater wishes to chuck at you..Nuff said. Thanks for listening. I need ur help..what bis the standard rate of 2 minutes advertisement on TV and RADIO TNX.. The only shows that should stick to the way they are now are anything live like award shows, sports, live talent shoes where the comercials are to by the performers time to get ready, ect. Advertising is EVERYWHERE, blighting the landscape and the media. DVR or renting a movie is the best option time-wise. Have a date night at any hotel chain and tune in the their satellite TV in your room. I have just finished reading all of the comments above and not a single person is wrong! The amount of times I have to see the same car ads have driven me to madness. By spending so much on ads, they have in essence bought the media. Its time we start getting a life instead of being addicted to a Box on the wall. Just as most of the complaints on too many commercials we have cut down on TV watching BY 70% Tell u folks Im a happy camper at 85!! r uou with me on this ??? Why cant you do like in Denmark where adds are placed between programs. i watch QVC and HSN because they dont show ads, I just wish there were more channels that would also stop running the ads. How long before Hulu add increase to equal cable or ota tv? Thats the only thing they understand. The only commercial breaks are at the half time, and they go on for about half of the fifteen half-time interval on the upper end (7.5 minutes). games are 60 Had to quit watching. Webwithout Ofcoms prior permission, exceed an average of eight minutes an hour on any one day. A lawyer friend told us same lunch, that those drug companies had help put his children through college, med school and law school. We refuse to pay $100 a month anymore for TV broadcasting full of ads that mostly insult our intellegence. Look it up. Why dont they just run commercials 24 / 7.THEY ARE NOT FAR FROM IT ! These days, I find myself watching General Hospital less and less. Then Comcast will be forced once again to treat their customers with respect as they used to. Its horrible and disgusting. Its not like there isnt PLENTY of other things to watch in the meantime! Why is it that when the program Cheaters comes on at 4am each morning, they may limit their commercials to around 2 and then its back to the show. MSNBC has a commercial break every thirty seconds now, and you are right, we are the mindless ones but I cant find an alternative. Thats why I have a dozen old remotes with worn out mute buttons. It makes me not want to watch TV. ABCs evening news will rush through their stories to give you the pharmaceutical commercials which are longer than any story segment. Dish is adamant (rightly so I hope) that the BETAMAX case that went to the Supreme Court years ago settled the time-shifting of recorded material for the sole purpose of non commercial (not for hire or re-braodcast) use by the consumer was not an infringement on the copyright of the broadcasters nor their TV ad subsidized commercials. my money pay for ?My last Shaw Bill took 21 days to get to my Mail box. at one scene Marcus Lattrell said Frick You. Why should Brother printers bother with TV ads when they know Epson has already ruined the printer market for anything but business use, so they buy ads in tech oriented fields and minimize costs and by doing so, they are not hated by the general public for running nonstop ads elsewhere that wont increase sales anyway. At least they play some music just before the breaks to warn me theyre coming. I have two collector cars I tinker with. I pay a HUGE amount for cable, with no choice of the channels I receive. 1995 Dollars. Other platforms are simply waiting for their popularity to gain momentum before they make big changes. Perhaps there are also in-house commercials for the network pushing itself constantly. On a different note, the channels with ads bunched them together at the 15 minute mark, so you could plan your day better. I use to like watching CBS this morning but by the time they finish their 15 minutes of ads I was forgetting what they were going to show next. I either watch DVDs or stream commercial free from Netflix or Hulu. This is so bad we all must demand less commercials per hour. Lying crooks! There is no escape. Same with corrupt Clinton Foundations & fat cat overpaid, underperforming execs. Theres a far better world in Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. I listen to talk radio and in 1/2 hour there is about 16 minutes of commercials, the olympics on NBC is awful Price was getting out of hand and there was new under the sun. I say God bless TMC which runs entire classic movies without commercial interruption. Not only is most programming very repetitive and out dated is the constant same commercials and infomercials. In a site I was at before coming here, Comcast, NBC, and MSNBC are suing Dish Network for use of the auto skip ad function their newest DVRs. The greed of TV networks has overrun our program viewing. (A DVR just makes the viewer go back and forth too much) Im a retired senior and watch too much TV but Im going to the library more often and gradually watching less. then utter greed took over and they pretend it;s because of freedom of something or other!! Uhh, they do. They said frickin at least 300 times It sure does. GREED IS OUT OF CONTROL!! In some cases they play the same commercials several times in one spot. Helen -you are ingenious! they are totally stupid, they encourage people to think they can drive like idiots with there cell phones stuck in there ear and cars sliding all over the place. our shows.. Stop watching TV or rent movies. If it's a show on a non bbc channel, then a Judge Judy has 17-18 minutes of commercials in an hour of programming which consists of two 30 minute shows. Before he goes back to sleeping on the job waiting for the emu to wake him, THEY WONT LISTEN TO REASON!!! Ill bet you every penny I have that Google has already copied and filed this post Im going to post and might even try to block me from getting it posted by not allowing my catpcha to work or simply error the page and clear the screen . GET A GRIP ADVERTISERS, SPONSORS AND TV CHANNELSWE DO NOT WANT TO SEE SO DARN MANY COMMERCIALSPERIOD! A typical TV show is usually approximately 22 minutes for every 1/2 hour of time. Also, the programs would end at the actual time instead of on the hour. Why cant all advertising be put on a special advertising channel and not on regular tv? The comments posted here, if they were put in written letter form (NOT emails), properly addressed to the FCC would certainly approach the desired effect of annoying the person responsible for reading and respondong to each of them. Most This is Us fans know the money that goes into the commercial breaks play a vital role in keeping the show on the air season after season, along with ratings. So, sponsors became alternate week sponsors and now participating sponsor (an ad here an ad there). We go to the least expensive product that has the safest ingredients. And for those of you willing to cross to the dark side, theres Kodi. And I thought it was just me. Web214 votes, 22 comments. How about a government run insurance that only takes premiums to cover claims, and administrative costs, and returns ALL extra monies on a pro rata basis back to the customers? Post A Comment. So we take that even further and do not buy products advertised on TV, we feel if its heavily advertised the product is over priced. This is in Canada using telus. That very first soap ad on TV eons ago screwed us. Do the math,not worth watching unless you are hooked on commercials, not to mention prolific number of re runs. Its the same with the national news media. The actual program is about 7 minutes the rest is commercials and Well be right back, In our next segment, See what happens when, Dont go away, you have to see why (so-n-so), Blah-blah and Yada-yada. The average time actually spent viewing the show was 6-7 minutes between commercials. Do they think their veiwers are morons with large wallets? Things have got change , I pay to much for cable to be watching all these commercials. And if you still need to spend money on good television, support your local PBS station. How can any cable station, network or advertiser think that this approach will result in more sales? I copy the shows I like on my VCR ..then zip through all the commercials later on.I never waste my time watching any shows anymore..Zchannel 7with david Muir..A complete waste of time seems likes hundred commercials on his news show. The Federal Communications Commission is the only God TV broadcasters and advertisers fear. I encourage all viewers to tell these heinous broadcasters we will boycott their programs if they dont significantly REDUCE the number and percentage of ads on their shows. Act 2: All the shit being resolved after the commercial break. Discovery Channel is worst over 20 mins of commercials per hour I want to quit watching, Look guys this stupid asshole states he enjoys comedy commercials. I usually go to the kitchen to make my sandwiches. Frankly, Im tired of the Ford, Dodge, Chevy, Nissan, Toyota and Subaru commercials, as well as the Budweiser with its loud obnoxious screaming music. So 90 minute program equals to 70-75 minutes, and 2 hour program at 84-88 minutes. m. The real concern for American citizens is the lack of FCC and State Commerce agency oversight . I dont know if that still applies but I just got finished watching a movie on Oxygen channel and I counted 18 commercials in one break and 19 in the next one and those were just the last 2 commercial breaks. PBS. Tell me why you FUCKS NEED SO MUCH MORE $$$ WHY ALL THE FUCKING commercials. The Liberty Insurance ads are on at least 200 times a day. And more commercials are being jammed into that growing ad hole, with the number of 30-second spots decreasing while the number of 15-second ads rises. Put that money toward your cause and stop making us all feel guilty over stuff we cant really change. Too many adsfar too many dishonest ads & profligate lies, l4ies & more LIES! As more markets open and good ones turn bad, whether due to buyouts or greed, the cycle continues on without any possible signs of slowing or changing simply because they know they can do whatever they want and you cant do anything to change it. I like watching TV. I too refuse to buy anything theyre selling A study published by the Los Angeles Times reported that advertisers spent $78 billion on television commercials in 2013 nearly a 22 percent increase from the $64 billion spent Zimadude. Every time I see that pillow commercial I yell out Take your pillow and shove it up your ass. I limit my TV view on cable to mostly free movies on certain channels Tha t have no commercials. May they get the payback they so richly deserve. Many of them require additional paid subscriptions. But it is so not worth the huge fees. How much of your future retirement money are you willingly giving to advertisers? The sad thing is I cant change channels fast enough or mute the damn things fast enough to prevent me from going into a rage screaming at the TV ( cause I dont want to hurt anyones feelings?) Just what are commercial ratings? No telling how long the news will actually last. Just finished the second episode of American Crime on ABC, I counted at least 6 minutes of commercials 4 times at least, possibly 5. My Doctor friend told me while eating lunch that if a drug was heavily advertised a patient should never, never ever take it. Cut the cable, put up an antenna, and add a streaming service. You would think that I should be entitled to watch commercial free movies. 4- This pretty much reduces cable requirements for computer use only. The trend is 4-6 minutes of show and 5 minutes of commercial.and on and on. Again, you must know your show. I have been researching, all I really wanted was the History Channel and the news but they cut the better of the history channels!!! 1:15 Few if any commercials because that is what the monthly fee was for and there would be no need for commercials. Totally sick of TV, I do not watch commercials WHAT SO EVER anymore. or because they file a claim. And then they tack on equipment rental and a laundry list of other fees. My wife mutes ALL commercials. I can start watching a movie 45 60 minutes after the start time, fast forward through the commercials; and catch up to the live broadcast by the end of the movie. FoxNews is one of the worse. Now you need a box so Comcast and like companies can not only control content but quality and up-charge for both. Are you really that weak willed? Twice as many as CNN. WebMost hour shows have about 5 breaks, but the number of breaks doesn't really matter since it usually amounts to 16-19 minutes total. The answer, according to a 2016 report from Bloomberg, is somewhere between 60 and 70. I can no longer pay for TV and have more minutes of advertising than a program I am canceling my Direct TV. Rather this boycott will only be effective and send a clear message to all those responsible for the low and poor quality of Television today if we stand united. On top of that they show the same 3-4 commercials over and over again ON EVERY BREAK. They are useless annoyances. Copyright 2018 Dexter Canfield Media Inc. Fox News Shuffles Its Lineup as Anchor Takes Time Off, ABC Revamps Prime Time, Takes Wraps Off 2014-15 Schedule Featuring 12 New Shows. 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