New version of Analog Website Clocks! var ny_y92 = ''; var honolulu_y81 = ''; else { Then there was Alaska time, which ranged from an area east of Cold Bay to just west of Yakutat, and moved Northward towards Nome. var angeles_y202 = ''; this.y221 = new Date(y221); this.localtime > this.y231 && this.localtime < this.y232 || If you're available any time, but you want to reach someone in Alaska at work, you may want to try between 1:00 PM and 9:00 PM your time. if(theRadios[i].checked == 1) { var vancouver_y71 = ''; var chicago_y241 = ''; var honolulu_y222 = ''; World Time var honolulu_y211 = ''; var angeles_y82 = ''; EMSC (European Mediterranean Seismological Centre) provides real time earthquake information for seismic events with magnitude larger than 5 in the European Mediterranean area and larger than 7 . Thus, Anchorage is one solar hour behind the legal time zone and observes daylight saving time as well for a two-hour discrepancy between legal time and solar time. var phoenix_y272 = ''; World Time } if (change12h24 == null) { In the Central Time Zone, Chicago is a great city to visit. var edmonton_y261 = ''; this.y231 = new Date(y231); var phoenix_y261 = ''; Alaska Standard Time (AKST): - 9:00 UTC (behind) var vancouver_y32 = ''; var edmonton_y292 = ''; var angeles_y92 = ''; var winnipeg_y61 = ''; var halifax_y262 = ''; var vegas_y262 = ''; Sunset: 08:27PM. var anchorage_y71 = ''; this.uk181 < this.UKlocaltime && this.uk182 > this.UKlocaltime || radioOn(); var honolulu_y242 = ''; var servertimestring = 'April 18 2023 10:49:28'; var ny_y51 = ''; var _gaq = _gaq || []; var winnipeg_y211 = ''; Next time change is in 7 months and 14 days. // end of UTC/GMT Details part this.uk202=new Date(uk202); var denver_y221 = ''; //-> this.uk261=new Date(uk261); Alaska is a state in the United States of America. this.y261 = new Date(y261); The IANA time zone identifiers for Alaska Time are America/Anchorage, America/Juneau, America/Nome, America/Sitka, America/Yakutat and America/Metlakatla. var theRadios = document.getElementsByName('radio12h24'); } The insurance premium will be based on a 3/4-time in-town position equivalent to 25 weeks. The highest point in the country, Denali, which reaches 20,320 feet high, is found in Alaska. var honolulu_y221 = ''; var ny_y31 = ''; if (tinydst(anchorage_setCityOffset, anchorage_y11, anchorage_y12, anchorage_y21, anchorage_y22, anchorage_y31, anchorage_y32, anchorage_y41, anchorage_y42, anchorage_y51, anchorage_y52, anchorage_y61, anchorage_y62, anchorage_y71, anchorage_y72, anchorage_y81, anchorage_y82, anchorage_y91, anchorage_y92, anchorage_y201, anchorage_y202, anchorage_y211, anchorage_y212, anchorage_y221, anchorage_y222, anchorage_y231, anchorage_y232, anchorage_y241, anchorage_y242, anchorage_y251, anchorage_y252, anchorage_y261, anchorage_y262, anchorage_y271, anchorage_y272, anchorage_y281, anchorage_y282, anchorage_y291, anchorage_y292) === "Standard time") { var denver_y12 = ''; var denver_y212 = ''; var ny_y81 = ''; Finally, there was Bering time, which covered the Aleutian chain and the Northern Coast of the State of Alaska. var johns_y42 = ''; Alaska is the largest state in the U.S. and it is larger than all but 18 countries of the world, and about 1/5 of the total land area of the 48 contiguous states. var winnipeg_setCityOffset = -6; Just confirming the current time? this.localtime > this.y81 && this.localtime < this.y82 || } var phoenix_y81 = ''; var halifax_y201 = ''; var vegas_y212 = ''; United States Simply mouse over the colored hour-tiles and glance at the hours selected by the column. var vegas_y251 = ''; var chicago_y71 = ''; function radioOn() { var toronto_y42 = ''; Copyright 2005 - 2023 contact us. Time zone: Alaska Standard Time UTC -9 now 5 hours behind New York Alaska Standard Time can be either 4 or 5 hours behind the time in New York, depending on the time of the year. var angeles_y232 = ''; this.uk241=new Date(uk241); Alaska would naturally fall into five time zones, with the greatest territory more correctly in UTC10:00 and UTC11:00, with Adak more correctly in UTC12:00 and Cape Wrangell in UTC13:00 as sunset can be late as midnight. Eastern Daylight Time - EDT (GMT-4). The western Aleutian Islands observe } var vegas_y92 = ''; var winnipeg_y41 = ''; this.y92= this.y92 - 1000*60*60; var honolulu_setCityOffset = -10; That's one of my end game goals/desired rest of life place even though I've never been to Seattle before. var toronto_y62 = ''; var vancouver_y22 = ''; var vancouver_y12 = ''; endResult: function() { this.localtime = this.serverdate = new Date(servertimestring); this.y222= this.y222 - 1000*60*60; var toronto_y72 = ''; var chicago_y211 = ''; this.y52= this.y52 - 1000*60*60; When Alaska purchased the Alaska Railroad from the government in 1985. var toronto_y252 = ''; See all US Holidays 2023 Sydney var phoenix_y72 = ''; var toronto_y201 = ''; document.getElementById('denver_dst').innerHTML = tinydst(denver_setCityOffset, denver_y11, denver_y12, denver_y21, denver_y22, denver_y31, denver_y32, denver_y41, denver_y42, denver_y51, denver_y52, denver_y61, denver_y62, denver_y71, denver_y72, denver_y81, denver_y82, denver_y91, denver_y92, denver_y201, denver_y202, denver_y211, denver_y212, denver_y221, denver_y222, denver_y231, denver_y232, denver_y241, denver_y242, denver_y251, denver_y252, denver_y261, denver_y262, denver_y271, denver_y272, denver_y281, denver_y282, denver_y291, denver_y292); // Los Angeles // summerTimeInfo = ""+". Standard time is observed in this time zone by subtracting 9 hours from UTC (UTC-09:00) and 8 hours during DST (UTC-08:00). var uk272 = '31 October, 2027 02:00:00'; var uk191 = '31 March, 2019 01:00:00'; var ny_y262 = ''; var ny_y11 = ''; The clock time in the Alaska Time Zone is based on the mean solar time at 135 degrees west of Greenwich Observatory. During my travels across the United States, I've found that the best places to visit vary depending on the time zone. var timexOffset = { display = "timezone24"; var denver_y21 = ''; var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; Get a FREE html clock widgets displaying local time at major capitals around the world for your website or blog. var angeles_y32 = ''; this.uk281 < this.UKlocaltime && this.uk282 > this.UKlocaltime || var edmonton_y61 = ''; else { Standard Time Zone: AKST Time UTC Offset: UTC-9 Time GMT Offset: GMT-9 Time Daylight Saving Time: AKDT Time UTC Offset in DST: UTC-8 Time GMT Offset in DST: GMT-8 Time var angeles_y291 = ''; document.getElementById("radio24h").checked=true; var phoenix_y92 = ''; var vancouver_y72 = ''; this.y42= this.y42 - 1000*60*60; Vast majority of the land lies in the Alaska Time zone (including the cities of Anchorage, Juneau and Fairbanks). Earthquake information for europe. The shocks are in the rear and the struts are in the front of your Mustang, and they are encased by your Mustang's springs. displays exact, official atomic clock time for any time zone (more than 7 million locations) in 57 languages. terms of use But political and logistical considerations have led to the use of two time zones, leading to the distortions mentioned above. Because of its large size, the subject of its time zones has always been a sore topic among its residents. var denver_setCityOffset = -7; var ny_y252 = ''; var denver_y242 = ''; document.getElementById('chicago_dst').innerHTML = tinydst(chicago_setCityOffset, chicago_y11, chicago_y12, chicago_y21, chicago_y22, chicago_y31, chicago_y32, chicago_y41, chicago_y42, chicago_y51, chicago_y52, chicago_y61, chicago_y62, chicago_y71, chicago_y72, chicago_y81, chicago_y82, chicago_y91, chicago_y92, chicago_y201, chicago_y202, chicago_y211, chicago_y212, chicago_y221, chicago_y222, chicago_y231, chicago_y232, chicago_y241, chicago_y242, chicago_y251, chicago_y252, chicago_y261, chicago_y262, chicago_y271, chicago_y272, chicago_y281, chicago_y282, chicago_y291, chicago_y292); var change12h24 = getCookie("change12h24"); For example, on June 12 at noon AKDT, the solar time at the extreme westerly points of the Alaskan time zone will be only 8:42a.m., nearly 3 hours and 18 minutes behind clock time. var chicago_y62 = ''; Time Zones Not Currently Being Observed in Alaska The above time zones are used during other parts of the year. document.getElementById('angeles_dst').innerHTML = tinydst(angeles_setCityOffset, angeles_y11, angeles_y12, angeles_y21, angeles_y22, angeles_y31, angeles_y32, angeles_y41, angeles_y42, angeles_y51, angeles_y52, angeles_y61, angeles_y62, angeles_y71, angeles_y72, angeles_y81, angeles_y82, angeles_y91, angeles_y92, angeles_y201, angeles_y202, angeles_y211, angeles_y212, angeles_y221, angeles_y222, angeles_y231, angeles_y232, angeles_y241, angeles_y242, angeles_y251, angeles_y252, angeles_y261, angeles_y262, angeles_y271, angeles_y272, angeles_y281, angeles_y282, angeles_y291, angeles_y292); 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; } function setCookie12h(){ Russian bombers fly close to Alaska again. var johns_y92 = ''; Alaska is located in the far northwest of North America and has no border with any other U.S. state. var johns_y202 = ''; Alaska State Fair This winter's unusually heavy snowfall caused a crack to worsen in one of the crucial beams of the Sluicebox, a 60-year-old building at the fairgrounds in Palmer. var uk241 = '31 March, 2024 01:00:00'; Alaska Time is normally 4 hours behind the time in Clifton, but because these time zones don't share the same start and end times for daylight saving time, Alaska Time can for a short while be 3 or 5 hours behind the time in Clifton. radioOn(); var denver_y22 = ''; var winnipeg_y231 = ''; this.localtime > this.y221 && this.localtime < this.y222 || this.y241 = new Date(y241); Toggle navigation World City Time . var edmonton_y282 = ''; } How Many Time Zones Are in the United States. Sun: 05:42AM 08:13PM (14h 30m) - More info - Make Alaska time default - Add to favorite locations Tokyo 07:01pm Beijing 06:01pm Kyiv 01:01pm Paris 12:01pm London 11:01am New York 06:01am Los Angeles var denver_y201 = ''; // next decade Four Time Zones When people first settled in the state, they largely decided their own time zones. var denver_y81 = ''; } What Time Is It In Alaska, United States? this.y32= this.y32 - 1000*60*60; // next decade var vegas_y232 = ''; var johns_y71 = ''; Install it on your website or blog now! this.y252 = new Date(y252); var phoenix_y52 = ''; var ny_y201 = ''; document.addEventListener("visibilitychange", function(event) { var anchorage_y31 = ''; The time in Alaska is normally one hour behind the time in Brea, but because these time zones don't share the same start and end times for daylight saving time, the time in Alaska can for a short while be two hours behind or the same as the time in Brea. var vegas_y281 = ''; var anchorage_y251 = ''; var toronto_y291 = ''; Daylight saving time start and and dates in Canada and in the USA. var vancouver_y232 = ''; var anchorage_y51 = ''; var uk242 = '27 October, 2024 02:00:00'; this.uk251=new Date(uk251); var edmonton_y92 = ''; var ny_y222 = ''; When UTC08:00 is applied in the summer (because of daylight saving time), this effect becomes even more apparent. var winnipeg_y82 = ''; // next decade Alaska Standard Time (AKST) is 9 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). First, there was Pacific Time, which covered South Eastern Alaska. var johns_y281 = ''; var halifax_y292 = ''; Earthquake information for europe. var edmonton_y231 = ''; // NY this.uk141 < this.UKlocaltime && this.uk142 > this.UKlocaltime || var vegas_y32 = ''; var edmonton_y222 = ''; Need to compare more than just two places at once? Configure your own clock using the form below and then click "Get HTML code" button: Current local time in Anchorage, Anchorage County, Alaska, USA, Alaska Time Zone. var vancouver_y82 = ''; var vegas_y61 = ''; var anchorage_y11 = ''; var phoenix_y221 = ''; Pacific Daylight Time - PDT (GMT-7), Mountain Standard Time - MST (GMT-7) this.y42 = new Date(y42); // Las Vegas The standard time followed in the Alaska Time Zone is minus nine hours from Greenwich Mean Time (UTC/GMT -9). var angeles_y221 = ''; } } this.uk202= this.uk202 - 1000*60*60; var toronto_y251 = ''; var vancouver_y201 = ''; document.getElementById('ny_dst').innerHTML = tinydst(ny_setCityOffset, ny_y11, ny_y12, ny_y21, ny_y22, ny_y31, ny_y32, ny_y41, ny_y42, ny_y51, ny_y52, ny_y61, ny_y62, ny_y71, ny_y72, ny_y81, ny_y82, ny_y91, ny_y92, ny_y201, ny_y202, ny_y211, ny_y212, ny_y221, ny_y222, ny_y231, ny_y232, ny_y241, ny_y242, ny_y251, ny_y252, ny_y261, ny_y262, ny_y271, ny_y272, ny_y281, ny_y282, ny_y291, ny_y292); They will become active again after the next clock change as Daylight Saving Time begins or ends. Alaska Time Zones Map Alaska Time Zones Map: A Guide to the Best Places and Local Culture Are you looking for a unique travel destination that offers breathtaking natural beauty and a rich cultural experience? var toronto_y61 = ''; Full size map Printable time zone map Free printable time zone map for North America. this.y201 = new Date(y201); Effective from 2007, the local time changes from AKST to AKDT at 02:00 LST (local standard time) to 03:00 LDT (local daylight time) on the second Sunday in March and returns at 02:00 LDT to 01:00 LST on the first Sunday in November. Anchorage, --:-- Two time zones have been referred to as the "Alaska Time Zone": a zone based on UTC10:00 that covered much of Central Alaska in the early 20th century, and a zone based on UTC09:00 zone that has covered all of the state except the Aleutian Islands since 1983. var denver_y271 = ''; // Eo UK DST bit. (AKST) The standard time followed in the Alaska Time Zone is minus nine hours from Greenwich Mean Time (UTC/GMT -9). this.localtime > this.y271 && this.localtime < this.y272 || var halifax_y232 = ''; var anchorage_y62 = ''; var edmonton_y211 = ''; this.uk161 < this.UKlocaltime && this.uk162 > this.UKlocaltime || Want to see the time in Alaska, United States compared with your home? this.uk132=new Date(uk132); document.getElementById('vancouver_dst').innerHTML = tinydst(vancouver_setCityOffset, vancouver_y11, vancouver_y12, vancouver_y21, vancouver_y22, vancouver_y31, vancouver_y32, vancouver_y41, vancouver_y42, vancouver_y51, vancouver_y52, vancouver_y61, vancouver_y62, vancouver_y71, vancouver_y72, vancouver_y81, vancouver_y82, vancouver_y91, vancouver_y92, vancouver_y201, vancouver_y202, vancouver_y211, vancouver_y212, vancouver_y221, vancouver_y222, vancouver_y231, vancouver_y232, vancouver_y241, vancouver_y242, vancouver_y251, vancouver_y252, vancouver_y261, vancouver_y262, vancouver_y271, vancouver_y272, vancouver_y281, vancouver_y282, vancouver_y291, vancouver_y292); var denver_y52 = ''; var angeles_y241 = ''; // next decade var anchorage_y91 = ''; This led to the United States of America purchasing Alaska on March 30th, 1867 for $7.2 million, or two cents an acre. var angeles_y11 = ''; var switchTo5x=false; } var vancouver_y91 = ''; var toronto_y11 = ''; var uk132 = '27 October, 2013 02:00:00'; this.uk162= this.uk162 - 1000*60*60; var angeles_y31 = ''; summerTime = 0; this.y282 = new Date(y282); Newfoundland Daylight Time - NDT (GMT-2:30), Alaska Standard Time - AKST (GMT-9) Alaska Daylight Time - AKDT (GMT-8), Atlantic Standard Time - AST (GMT-4) var halifax_y21 = ''; var vegas_y81 = ''; This is the best time to reach them from 9AM - 5PM during normal working hours. 2 non-contiguous time zones: Alaska Time and Hawaii Islands Time, and 3 US dependencies which none of them use daylight saving time. var uk232 = '29 October, 2023 02:00:00'; var toronto_y31 = ''; var angeles_y271 = ''; for(var i = 0; i < theRadios.length; i++) { var chicago_y61 = ''; var honolulu_y12 = ''; var winnipeg_y242 = ''; Anchorage clock or choose clock for any city in the US here! Convert Time From Alaska, United States to any time zone. var edmonton_y41 = ''; var phoenix_y282 = ''; Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is originally referring to mean solar time at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. Alaska Time var vancouver_y262 = ''; Time and Date AS 19952023. Pacific Time Zone Sunrise: 07:44AM. Tools & Converters Meeting Planner for Juneau } Look no further than Alaska, the largest state in the United States. var chicago_y242 = ''; var johns_y201 = ''; var angeles_y81 = ''; var denver_y72 = ''; var johns_y221 = ''; this.y242 = new Date(y242); } Current local time in Alaska - standard offset to GMT, daylight savings time (DST) and 2023 time conversion dates. if (this.localtime > this.y11 && this.localtime < this.y12 || this.localtime > this.y291 && this.localtime < this.y292){ return summerTimeInfo; During daylight saving time its time offset is eight hours ( UTC08:00 ). Time zones: Alaska Standard Time GMT -9 : Alaska Daylight Time GMT -8 : Time change date: 12 March 2023 +1 hour forward : 05 November 2023-1 hour back : Gambell, Savoonga, Saint Paul, Saint George. var anchorage_y202 = ''; this.uk162=new Date(uk162); var chicago_y222 = ''; var honolulu_y92 = ''; } var winnipeg_y62 = ''; if (this.uk101 < this.UKlocaltime && this.uk102 > this.UKlocaltime || var denver_y41 = ''; Very few people notice this, however, as these locations are virtually uninhabited, and for the very few people who do live there, the long days in the summer and short days in the winter make the sunrise and sunset times less important than areas closer to the equator. } if (change12h24 != null) { During daylight saving time its time offset is eight hours (UTC08:00). function ifdst() { var toronto_y32 = ''; Some local residents refer to this phenomenon as "double daylight time".[7]. var phoenix_y21 = ''; var vegas_y31 = ''; var denver_y211 = ''; Parts of the Aleutian Islands, 2740 kilometers (1703 miles) west of the state capital Juneau, use Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (HAST) and Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (HADT) during DST. var phoenix_y51 = ''; displays exact, official atomic clock time for any time zone (more than 7 million locations) in 57 languages. } var chicago_y72 = ''; var winnipeg_y221 = ''; display = "timezone12"; var vegas_y42 = ''; var halifax_y272 = ''; var vancouver_y241 = ''; var anchorage_setCityOffset = -9; var phoenix_y91 = ''; var winnipeg_y272 = ''; //--> var phoenix_y62 = ''; var winnipeg_y12 = ''; The territory of the state of Alaska spans almost as much longitude as the contiguous United States (57.5 vs. 57.6)[7] so the use of two time zones will inevitably lead to some distortions. var halifax_y61 = ''; var halifax_y22 = ''; The Anchorage Metropolitan Area is the largest metropolitan area in the zone. var ny_y221 = ''; var phoenix_y211 = ''; var angeles_y281 = ''; The National Institute of Standards and Technology - Time and Frequency Division maintains the standard for frequency and time interval for the United States, provides official time to the United States, and carries out a broad program of research and service activities in time and frequency metrology. var uk211 = '28 March, 2021 01:00:00'; Learn more about Alaska Time Zone from our Websites analysis here on Websites. var edmonton_y21 = ''; this.uk271 < this.UKlocaltime && this.uk272 > this.UKlocaltime || Announce upcoming event time in Anchorage. Anchorage, Alaska time is 4 hours behind EST. var chicago_setCityOffset = -6; var johns_y81 = ''; var uk281 = '26 March, 2028 01:00:00'; this.uk112= this.uk112 - 1000*60*60; //to use official dst ending hour. DST ends on Sunday 05 November 2023, 02:00 local daylight time 417 Likes, 5 Comments - Felicia Alvarez (@menagerieflower) on Instagram: "It's the last day for FREE SHIPPING on all Bare Root Rose orders over $175. alert("Your current browser settings indicate that cookies are disabled. else { Alaska Standard Time (AKST) is 9 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). var chicago_y92 = ''; var anchorage_y12 = ''; var angeles_y71 = ''; 24hours, DST started on Sunday 12 March 2023, 02:00 local standard time Switched to UTC -8 / Alaska Daylight Time (AKDT). var ny_y71 = ''; var johns_y271 = ''; more info on wiki The letters S (standard) and D (daylight), are the acronyms . var johns_y32 = ''; From 5 November 2023: UTC -9 / Alaska Standard Time (AKST). } var toronto_y22 = ''; The time zone for the capital, Sunrise, sunset, day length and solar time for Alaska, From 5 November 2023: UTC -9 / Alaska Standard Time (AKST). Cookies are needed to activate 24h format. var johns_y252 = ''; var winnipeg_y21 = ''; var anchorage_y21 = ''; */ var johns_y41 = ''; The time zone for the capital Juneau is used here. Convert 10:00 AM time in Alaska to Sydney time for the next 5 hours. var phoenix_y262 = ''; var honolulu_y291 = ''; var angeles_setCityOffset = -8; Utc08:00 ). two time zones: Alaska time and Hawaii Islands time, which covered Eastern! Var halifax_y212 = `` ; // next decade Switching to UTC -9 Alaska. Akst ) is 9 hours behind EST / Alaska Standard time million ). Greenwich Mean time ( AKST ) the Standard time followed in the zone ( UTC ) }... City is a must-visit destination Area in the Alaska time and vice-versa of... > this.UKlocaltime || Announce upcoming event time in Alaska to Sydney time for any time zone converter lets you and. Eastern Alaska non-contiguous time zones has always been a sore topic among its residents its zones... Var johns_y32 = `` ; var honolulu_y291 = `` ; var halifax_y292 = `` ; this zone! ; this time zone map for North America and has no border with other. In Anchorage locations are currently on AKST Alaska Standard time followed in the zone } What time is 4 behind... Is located in the Eastern time zone map for North America and has no border with other... You visually and very quickly convert EST to Anchorage, Alaska time zone for.! = null ) { During daylight saving time its time zones, to! Point in the United States time followed in the country, Denali, which reaches 20,320 feet high is! Point in the country, Denali, which covered South Eastern Alaska are currently on AKST Standard. Var halifax_y22 = `` ; var halifax_y292 = `` ; var honolulu_y291 ``... Of use But political and logistical considerations have led to the use of time! North America time and Hawaii Islands time, and 3 US dependencies none. Sore topic among its residents of them use daylight saving time alaska time zone zones. 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